Boot 2025
By simone
/ 16. December 2024
Besucht mich auf der Boot Düsseldorf 2025 am Bigblue-Stand! Vom 18. bis 26. Januar bin ich auf der Boot Düsseldorf, der weltweit größten...
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Hoi, i bi d’Simone / Hallo, ich bin Simone / Hello, I am Simone / Hola, soy Simone / Salut, je suis Simone / Ciao, sono Simone, la ragazza
I speak several languages (DE / EN / ES / FR / IT) and I love to communicate, but my biggest passion is diving. Ever since I started diving, I spent every free minute under water and I developed a special passion for cave diving, but I also enjoy teaching and sharing my passion and knowledge.
On this website you can find out what I am currently up to and get some information on projects I’ve been part of or just find a way to keep in touch.